A few word about me …

I was born in Yevpatoria, on the Black Sea coast of Soviet Union Crimea. When I finished secondary school, I went on to study sales and marketing at the city institute, which led to a progressive career in retail and hospitality.

I currently divide my time between the mountains of northern Tuscany, Italy, and the rolling hills of Devon, UK, each of which provides its own distinctive palette of colours, textures, and quality of light.

My specialities are landscapes, abstract, and still life, with my media preference being oil on canvas. Heavily influenced by the Impressionists, my artistic style sits anywhere between abstract realism and realistic abstraction or, to put it another way, when I paint a pear, I want it to look good enough to eat yet vague enough to kindle the imagination of the observer. If there are two qualities that affect my work more than anything else, they would have to be light and colour.